2021-10-14 12:52

What can GD offer?

– 03

It’s spent a lot of time working through ideas that orbit and operationalise (or weaponise) communication in the service of impact (attitudinal or behavioural change - resulting in economically and culturally practiced actions)- organisational or institutional, towards the individual and between the community, to inspire, persuade etc.

It practices aesthetic affect and the understands the potency of visual language - to render any experience of image and text enjoyable or satisfying in some way.

Its knowledges concern the very matter of our experiences of visual culture - images, texts and their combinations (and their heritages, their basis in systems of ideas and processes).

It tends to be overly-focused on outcomes so that much weight is given to the role of any realisation and the potential to live somehow in the world (although not much attention has every been paid to processes of evaluation or participation - since it tends to be very much crippled by a heroic self-image based, most likely, on a fetishised idea of the artist as some kind of deviant or counter-cultural icon which doesn’t really exist to the same degree in other art and / or design disciplines - maybe the nearest is of a 1970s-1980s musician which, again, hasn’t really existed or had any cultural significance for the best part of 40 years).